Some relatively good news
They found my purse at the restaurant I was at, when the restaurant staff were cleaning the bathrooms at the end of the night. Phew! I quite liked this purse.
I'm still missing my wallet (including credit, debit, and health cards, most notably, along with some membership cards), iPod (*sniff* my now-outdated iPod shuffle was named Slide Shuffle, because in iTunes they ask you to name your iPod when you first use it), cellphone and SecureID token for access to my work intranet. However, I do still have all of my keys -- just so happened that last night I was carrying around the keys and access fob to my home, the keys and access fob to my brother's home, Mom's car keys,
and Dad's car keys -- and everything else is still there, including my SIN card (that's the same as an SSN card, to you Americans) and my driver's licence. Thank the heavens.
I've no idea what they think that can do with my SecureID token, since it's worthless without my 4-digit PIN. Weird. Also, I'm sad about my iPod because I have this portable speaker thing that goes with it perfectly and I'll still be able to use it with a different mp3 player but it just won't be as good. :P Replacement credit cards are on the way...working on getting a replacement cellphone...
Labels: a reminder that people suck